Sunday, July 10, 2011


If there are other doubts assailing us, the still small voice bids us read further, learn more of the teachings of this Perfect Man. It bids us remember how he went even so far as to ask us, if we would not believe his words, to believe the actual words he performed, the actual healings of the sick and maimed, the restoration of sight to the blind, of life to those believed dead, the providing of abundant food for the multitudes. It bids us remember that these were only a recorded few of the many deeds performed.

The intellect might still argue that these seeming miracles were performed two thousand years ago, that things are far different today. But, deep within our hearts we hear the assurance of Jesus,”Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be made full,” and we know that the only limit to our joy and health and supply is of our own making.

Never, in any of his teachings, did Jesus limit his followers in the deeds they could perform, in the words they were to speak, the manner in which they were to spread the gospel of Divine Love, “Greater works than these shall ye do,”.. “It is not ye that speak, but the Holy Spirit” he declared, for he knew of the possibilities of the Christ nature within all men.

He professed to be the way and the truth and the life, but his pattern was not intended to restrict his followers. It was, and is, a broad pattern, ready always for growth, and expansion. He pointed the way, and still continues today in the heart of everyone willing to accept his teachings to point toward a way of thinking and living that moves beyond the horizons of the intellect and all previously constructed, manmade beliefs.

His way and his promises are so wonderful, so full of hope and love and joy, we hesitate to accept them as “natural” and as meant for such as we.

Instead, daily we allow limited, biased, restricted thoughts and words and actions to govern our life, Here is a simple example, showing but one of the prevailing habits formed by the intellect, the need for guidance the still small voice in the reformation of our thoughts.

We need to constantly open wide our consciousness to the limitlessness of the goodness of God, to the truth that our Father is not only the Source of our Life, Health, Supply and Happiness, but our Infinite Life, Infinite Health, Infinite Supply and Infinite Happiness, without beginning or ending.

Everything that hints of limitation should be denied and replaced with recognition of God as Eternal Good.

Then we will soon come to realise the truths which the still small voice constantly whispers, know that no goals is beyond our reaching, no overcoming too difficult, that growth is eternal ; that nothing is ever “finished”, that undreamed-of worlds or expression yet remain to be developed, untouched beauty yet to become manifest, more lasting love and joy and inspiration to fill our soul.

We will realise our thoughts can step at any time from the undesirable abode of limitation into the consciousness of the “many mansions” of the Heavenly Kingdom as we become willing to listen, patient in learning, and try to love more the Divine Creative Spirit in ourselves and in all men.

We will find the still small voice within us urging the unity of two seemingly separate entities which, in meeting, blend into but One Existence. This is the moment of oneness which acknowledges no separation from All-Good. In this moment we accept the basic truths of Being as the only reality, the fact of the eternity of life and love, the infinity of the possibilities of the goodness of God.

This wonderful, still small voice will reassure us that we will at the proper time , in the right order , told all we need to know, be given all the strength and courage and joy needed to continue in our progression toward perfection. It will assure us that with God, all things are possible, that without Him nothing is completely expressed.

It will remind us of the words of our beloved Master, “I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another comforter, that he may be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive; for it beholdeth him not, neither knoweth him; ye know him ; for he abideth with you, and shall be in you.”