Sunday, November 8, 2009


3. Divine Love

God is Love. Divine Love is the harmonious action of Spirit. It is the idea of unity in Divine Mind. Love, as this harmonious action, is the cohesive, unifying power in the creation. It is the element that holds all things in right relationship. In the realm of the physical world, the law of gravity is an example of its cohesive action. In the realm of human relationships, divine Love is the harmonising quality that adjusts and balances.

God is love. Divine Mind moves serenely, seeing good only. This is the quality of love or harmony that permeates the whole creation, whether invisible or visible. The peace of divine creativity is always in the midst. Divine Love moves silently, steadfastly, never swerving, equalizing the movement of ideas.

Divine Love is the fulfilling of the law. It is the balancing, harmonising power. The laws in Mind find completion through this attribute. The element of Love could be compared to a chemical element that is essential to the completion of a formula. Through the agency of Divine of Love the creation moves forward. It permeates the whole.

Since we are trying to raise our understanding and to show forth the spiritual identity implanted within us, let us see how the attribute of Love can work miracles in us and in our world. First of all, we must remember that we live in a creation that is Divine Mind. Thus we partake of the vibratory action of Mind. It follows that we express that to which we give our attention, or habitual thinking power. Since the attribute of Love is that which acts on the other attributes to balance, to cement, to dissolve or to increase, to quicken, then when we give our attention to harmony, we place ourselves in the stream of harmonious action. The divine purpose in the creation moves in us. When we have faith that the good is done unto us, we see the miracle of enmities dissolved, obstacles to progress removed, seeming dangers averted. We see the miracle of the attracting powers of Love moving in to fill the place of fears, doubts, and ignorance.

Divine Love attracts to us our own. We must give our faith that the glory of the invisible creative activity is unfailing, and that it works in us here and now. We remember that creation is ever in the present.

While we hold the eye of the inner vision on the unfailing light and strength of God, the law inherent in Love and Wisdom works in us and through us and for us. The essential condition is to keep our thought and feeling balanced, and on the Truth of Being, rather than on the problem.

Inherent in Love is the cleansing element, or forgiveness. When we forgive ourselves, others, and conditions, we are really lifting our condemnation; we are removing the power of our thought and emotions from the condition. And when we have cleared the path, we open the way for the flow of Divine Love. It is the greatest force there is. All things are accomplished by it. When we practice Love, our lives are transformed.

This does not mean the use of sentiment, or of a holier-than-thou attitude, or of an egoistical attitude. It means the complete giving of the self quietly and impersonally, to the harmonising activity of Divine Love. It means the disciplining of thought and emotions, so that the attribute of divine harmony can work in us. This is the place to use the human will in order to let the divine will, or perfect law of order, be done in us.

Inherent in Divine Love is the good will of the Creator. This is not the dispensation of a personalised Being, but the unfailing working of the creative law of Divine Mind. However, as we truly accept the divine spark within us, does the Creator become personal for us.

So potent is this harmonizing element that Jesus gave it as the first commandment. By knowing divine Love impersonally, we can find harmony in our world. It is not necessary to like all people, for the element of personality enters in and we are not all of similar make up; but it is important to love all people impersonally. This is the way to achieve happiness for the individual and peace for the world. We withdraw our human intellectual manipulation, and quietly place ourselves in the stream of divine harmony. Lifting the individual consciousness to the plane of Divine Love, causes that quality to radiate into the environment and then to the world.

Amazing results follow this practice, when it is made a true part of the consciousness, and is not used as an expedient measure to gain ends. The first steps seem difficult, but practice establishes us in serenity and quiet power. We know that we are always divinely protected; that there is no need for anxiety or for grasping at what might be the rights of others. We know that through the magnet of Divine Love, we draw to us our own. We know that each one can receive his own. There is no limit in the Infinite.

To be continued………

Source: Faith and Works by Helen Zagat