3. Divine Love continued…..
We know that through the magnet of Divine Love, we draw to us our own. We know that each one can receive his own. There is no limit in the Infinite.
Therefore, underneath currents of jealousy, of competitive anxieties, or of aggressiveness are washed away. Divine Love moves serenely through each life and through each situation to bring forth abundance of good.
The practice must be consistent. Learn to substitute the quiet peace of Love for troublesome feelings and emotions and thoughts. Thus we bend the mind and the feeling nature. Our whole being is truly transformed. We draw to us different conditions. We are safe and secure. Divine Love is a potent working force.
It is important to combine our study of the attribute of Wisdom with Love, in order to establish a balance. Wisdom deals with our power to think; Love with the feeling nature. If one or the other is over-emphasised, we are not in balance in our consciousness. The two working together help to give us a strong realisation of faith in the Presence. Should we try to acquire Truth principles in the intellect alone, or by hold to “Wisdom alone, we would not establish the full consciousness of our divine oneness. Should we try to over-emphasise the feeling aspect of faith, we’ll be thrown out of balance. So it important to let the two attributes have a combined place in our consciousness.
Moses gave the commandments as laws, impressing them with the attitude of ‘thou shalt not.’ He gave the commandment; Thou shall have no other gods before me, Ex. 20:3 and Deut. 5:7, as the first commandment.
When the Pharisees questioned Jesus to test Him, He said that the great commandment is this; - Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all they heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love they neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Matthew 22; 37-40.
Here we find the lesson for us. Love is the greatest power. Within the law of Mind-creation is Love to equalise, to harmonise, and to fulfil. In addition, Jesus shows us that we, the human manifest man, are divine at our central point. To love our neighbour as ourselves is to acknowledge the harmonious oneness of Spirit, and to act on this Truth. We are all one in Spirit, though there are many individualisations. “The waves are many but the sea is one.”
In the sixth chapter of Deuteronomy, we find Moses enlarging his teaching to include love for God. However, he did not make this precept an integral part of the Ten Commandments. So we can understand that we are seeing the soul’s unfoldment from the Adam, through the Moses consciousness, to the heights of the Christ consciousness. Moses gave us the law. Jesus Christ gave us the fulfilment through at-one-ment with Divine Love. Love is the fulfilling of the law through the harmonious action of Divine Mind and its attributes.
Moses, in his emphasis on the law, gave us the law of cause and effect as being paramount. In the forgiving love of Jesus Christ, we find the law of divine grace, as rising above the law of cause-and-effect.
For the greatness of leadership of Moses there is a place in the progress of the soul. However, we can rise to the heights of the kingdom of God consciousness through the realisation of the Christ ideal, the Son-of God consciousness.
Jesus taught us that the law of grace works for us when we turn with our whole being to God. He showed us a Creator and a creation of love. We need only turn, and we shall receive blessings. But rather seek ye the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you. Fear not, little flock; for it is your father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Luke 12;31-32.
In the parable of the Prodigal Son, Jesus taught us that the forgiving love of the Father is awaiting our turning in consciousness. The father did not even wait for the prodigal son to reach the house when he was returning in rags, after wasting all his patrimony on riotous living. The father saw him from afar off, and came forward to meet him lovingly and joyously, bearing gifts of clothing with the son needed. Jesus taught that we do not have to supplicate nor recite a list of our troubles. “The Father knoweth ye have need of these things.’
The essential point for us to understand is that we must turn. Many people do not understand what the turning means. It means that we must lift our thought and feeling from the appearances of difficulty, from belief in trouble and lack, from fears and doubts; and that we give our whole being unreservedly to Spirit, with quiet faith that Divine Love dissolves all obstacles and acts as the magnet to draw our good. It means that we turn to the beauty of God and contemplate the glory of the creation . It means that we are willing to acknowledge God as the Father, as the Lord that acts, as the Source of all-good.
In moments of darkness, hold to the Truth that Divine Love is the greatest force in the world. You will receive. This is the law of grace.
Grace is the free gift of God. It is the working of Divine Love, above the law of cause-and-effect. The condition for receiving peace and joy and fulfilment is our turning with faith. God does not question. God knows the heart, so we must learn to practice the realisation of Love and Wisdom, to be in the consciousness of Truth. Mistakes are erased when we learn to forgive, and to substitute true thoughts for the false ones. Then we offer the empty vessel ready for infilment.
We must remember to establish the truth that we are not seeking gifts outside ourselves. The source is within us and all around us. We must realise our spiritual identity.
Paul in the first Epistle to the Corinthians, the thirteenth chapter, gives us a beautiful and vivid exposition of the quality, properties and uses of Divine Love. He gives us the human use of the divine attribute. In the Revised Standard Version, the word ‘charity’ of the King James version is translated “love”. It has been said that the regular reading of this chapter brings about great changes in the life of an individual. Remembering that or world responds to our habitual thinking and feeling, we can expect wonderful thing on our pathway, when we are immersed in the attribute of Love and when we give our attention to absorbing the principle.
The End….Divine Love Attribute.
We know that through the magnet of Divine Love, we draw to us our own. We know that each one can receive his own. There is no limit in the Infinite.
Therefore, underneath currents of jealousy, of competitive anxieties, or of aggressiveness are washed away. Divine Love moves serenely through each life and through each situation to bring forth abundance of good.
The practice must be consistent. Learn to substitute the quiet peace of Love for troublesome feelings and emotions and thoughts. Thus we bend the mind and the feeling nature. Our whole being is truly transformed. We draw to us different conditions. We are safe and secure. Divine Love is a potent working force.
It is important to combine our study of the attribute of Wisdom with Love, in order to establish a balance. Wisdom deals with our power to think; Love with the feeling nature. If one or the other is over-emphasised, we are not in balance in our consciousness. The two working together help to give us a strong realisation of faith in the Presence. Should we try to acquire Truth principles in the intellect alone, or by hold to “Wisdom alone, we would not establish the full consciousness of our divine oneness. Should we try to over-emphasise the feeling aspect of faith, we’ll be thrown out of balance. So it important to let the two attributes have a combined place in our consciousness.
Moses gave the commandments as laws, impressing them with the attitude of ‘thou shalt not.’ He gave the commandment; Thou shall have no other gods before me, Ex. 20:3 and Deut. 5:7, as the first commandment.
When the Pharisees questioned Jesus to test Him, He said that the great commandment is this; - Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all they heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love they neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Matthew 22; 37-40.
Here we find the lesson for us. Love is the greatest power. Within the law of Mind-creation is Love to equalise, to harmonise, and to fulfil. In addition, Jesus shows us that we, the human manifest man, are divine at our central point. To love our neighbour as ourselves is to acknowledge the harmonious oneness of Spirit, and to act on this Truth. We are all one in Spirit, though there are many individualisations. “The waves are many but the sea is one.”
In the sixth chapter of Deuteronomy, we find Moses enlarging his teaching to include love for God. However, he did not make this precept an integral part of the Ten Commandments. So we can understand that we are seeing the soul’s unfoldment from the Adam, through the Moses consciousness, to the heights of the Christ consciousness. Moses gave us the law. Jesus Christ gave us the fulfilment through at-one-ment with Divine Love. Love is the fulfilling of the law through the harmonious action of Divine Mind and its attributes.
Moses, in his emphasis on the law, gave us the law of cause and effect as being paramount. In the forgiving love of Jesus Christ, we find the law of divine grace, as rising above the law of cause-and-effect.
For the greatness of leadership of Moses there is a place in the progress of the soul. However, we can rise to the heights of the kingdom of God consciousness through the realisation of the Christ ideal, the Son-of God consciousness.
Jesus taught us that the law of grace works for us when we turn with our whole being to God. He showed us a Creator and a creation of love. We need only turn, and we shall receive blessings. But rather seek ye the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you. Fear not, little flock; for it is your father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Luke 12;31-32.
In the parable of the Prodigal Son, Jesus taught us that the forgiving love of the Father is awaiting our turning in consciousness. The father did not even wait for the prodigal son to reach the house when he was returning in rags, after wasting all his patrimony on riotous living. The father saw him from afar off, and came forward to meet him lovingly and joyously, bearing gifts of clothing with the son needed. Jesus taught that we do not have to supplicate nor recite a list of our troubles. “The Father knoweth ye have need of these things.’
The essential point for us to understand is that we must turn. Many people do not understand what the turning means. It means that we must lift our thought and feeling from the appearances of difficulty, from belief in trouble and lack, from fears and doubts; and that we give our whole being unreservedly to Spirit, with quiet faith that Divine Love dissolves all obstacles and acts as the magnet to draw our good. It means that we turn to the beauty of God and contemplate the glory of the creation . It means that we are willing to acknowledge God as the Father, as the Lord that acts, as the Source of all-good.
In moments of darkness, hold to the Truth that Divine Love is the greatest force in the world. You will receive. This is the law of grace.
Grace is the free gift of God. It is the working of Divine Love, above the law of cause-and-effect. The condition for receiving peace and joy and fulfilment is our turning with faith. God does not question. God knows the heart, so we must learn to practice the realisation of Love and Wisdom, to be in the consciousness of Truth. Mistakes are erased when we learn to forgive, and to substitute true thoughts for the false ones. Then we offer the empty vessel ready for infilment.
We must remember to establish the truth that we are not seeking gifts outside ourselves. The source is within us and all around us. We must realise our spiritual identity.
Paul in the first Epistle to the Corinthians, the thirteenth chapter, gives us a beautiful and vivid exposition of the quality, properties and uses of Divine Love. He gives us the human use of the divine attribute. In the Revised Standard Version, the word ‘charity’ of the King James version is translated “love”. It has been said that the regular reading of this chapter brings about great changes in the life of an individual. Remembering that or world responds to our habitual thinking and feeling, we can expect wonderful thing on our pathway, when we are immersed in the attribute of Love and when we give our attention to absorbing the principle.
The End….Divine Love Attribute.
To be continued……… Power Attribute
Source: Faith and Works by Helen Zagat